Sunday, April 5, 2009

Teaching Aids of A trainee Teacher like me lol

Lol, I'm a teacher, under training tho, so i have a month of internship and were forced to use teaching aids to teach..

note: Basically, teacher in school wont use all these to teach, they just write on the board only.
so, these things actually are bullshit to me lol...

so this is Fractional Circle to teach fractions~

This is, fractional strips

Fraction name cards

and fraction number cards...

lol, friends of mine did more than me but doesnt mean that they teach better than me =D
Well, so far I havent get any really bad comments from either my lecturer or mentor.. woot lucky me lol ~

1 comment:

Shu ChinG said...

"Did more doesn't mean teaching good" --- I like and I agree.

Haha..I am more intersted about the backgroud where ur stuff is put!
Is it your bedsheet??? Cute la dear!! Catty cartton!!Muahaha